Are payroll deductions available?
Yes. Not only is payroll deduction available, it is encouraged. This eliminates time-consuming trips to the Credit Union office to deposit or make loan payments. You must provide our routing number (243083305) and your account number to your payroll department. Our office staff can provide you with a form letter for your Human Resources Department.

Christmas Clubs: How do they work?
The Christmas Club in the AT&T Employees Pittsburgh, PA Federal Credit Union can be either by payroll deduction or handled over-the-counter.
They begin October 1st and end September 30th of the following year. Checks are deposited to the members share/sharedraft account on or about October 1st.
Christmas clubs earn the same dividend as regular shares.
Christmas clubs may be pledged as collateral for a loan once through April 30th. Withdrawals from Christmas clubs prior to maturity (September 30th) will incur a $25.00 early withdrawal fee.
You do not have to renew your Christmas club each year, it will automatically renew itself. However, if you wish to increase your Christmas savings amount, you need to come into the Credit Union to sign a new payroll deduction card, or inform the office by telephone if you have enough currently being deducted by payroll deduction and you just want to direct more of it toward your Christmas club. Whatever changes you wish to make on your Christmas club MUST be done by the middle of September for the following year’s club; that is, if you wish to have a full year of the same savings going into the club.
If you are not able to join for the October 1st deduction, and you want to have a Christmas club, you have until February 1st to join the club.

Special clubs: How do they work?
The Credit Union’s Special Savings club is a savings that can be used for various special interests: vacations, mortgage insurance, tuition, income taxes, automobile insurance or a number of other reasons that you might want to save for in a separate manner.
The Special club pays the same dividend as the Regular Share Account. The club can run the term that the member designates; however, there is a minimum of three (3) months between withdrawals.

How often can I check the status of my account?
Statements are mailed out quarterly; however, if you have any questions regarding your account, you may inquire at our office. You may also call the audio response line to do inquiries.

Is the credit union a part of the AT&T system?
No. It is not a part of, nor is it sponsored by the Company, the Federal Government or the C.W.A. It is an entirely separate organization of employees of the company with its own officers, who operate it as an independent enterprise. However, it has the full approval and cooperation of the Company.

Who may become a member?
Eligibility for membership in the AT&T Employees Pittsburgh, PA Federal Credit Union is open to all active and retired employees in the Pittsburgh PA area of AT&T, Bell Atlantic, Comcast, Lucent Technologies, AVAYA, Verizon, Keystone Closing Services, Amalgamated Transit Union, Local #1753, JEMPCO and their operating companies. The purchase of one $5.00 share, which becomes part of your savings account, and signing a membership application, are all that is required for membership. Members of the immediate family or household are also eligible for membership. “Immediate family” is defined as a grandparent, parent, spouse, sibling, child or grandchild. For purposes of this definition, immediate family member includes adopted children, stepparents, stepchildren and stepsiblings. “Household” is defined as persons living in the same residence and who maintain a single economic unit. This includes any person who is a permanent member of and participates in the maintenance of the household, including family members, domestic partners, foster children and legal guardian relationships. While roommates in a single residence would meet this definition, a fraternity, sorority or nursing home is excluded from this definition.

Who conducts the business of the credit union?
The business is conducted by the following:
1. The Board of Directors, composed of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Their duties correspond roughly to the duties of the directors of any other kind of corporation.
2. The Supervisory Committee, composed of three, but not more than five members, supervises and audits the affairs and records of the Credit Union.
3. The Office Staff, composed of two employees: a manager and a customer service employee.

Is there deposit insurance?
Yes, Each account not in the same name is insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the United States government.

Individual Retirement Accounts insured up to $250,000.

How does a joint owner account work? (court rules)
This is an account of two or more persons. The first-named person is the primary owner, and, in case of their death, the money passes to the other named person(s). A joint share account permits the convenience of having someone else who can deal wih the account. However, since the joint share agreement is also a legal contract between the Credit Union and the persons named in the joint share agreement, it creates certain legal rights and liabilities.
If either of the persons named in a joint share account agreement should die, the money in the account then belongs to the survivor and inheritance tax will be due on one-half of the money in the account. It makes no difference that the person who died did not contribute any of the money to the account and was on the account only for the convenience of the member. In cases of husband and wife, rights of survivorship would apply, therefore no inheritance tax would be due.
If the member does not want the other person on the account to get the money upon the death of the member, or have one-half of the money subjected to inheritance tax, a joint account should NOT be used. Instead, the member should maintain a single name account,and give a power-of-attorney to the person who is to deal with the account for the member’s convenience.

Are Credit Union dividends to be reported on income tax returns?
Yes. These dividends MUST be reported on your annual income tax return to both the state and federal governments. The member’s earned dividends are shown at the bottom of the quarterly statements that go out to the members on a quarterly basis.

How do I become a member?
Obtain a membership application from the Credit Union Office by calling: (412) 227-7210, or writing to: 635 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, and making a share deposit of a minimum of $5.00. All applications must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Members rejoining for a second or third time must make an intial deposit of $100.00. To be eligible to join a second time, six months must have passed since you closed your account. To be eligible to join a third time, one year must have passed since the second time your account was closed.

May I continue my Credit Union membership if I leave my present employer?
Yes. At AT&T Employees Pittsburgh, PA Federal Credit Union, once you become a member and remain in good standing, you are always a member. Even if you stop working for the company, you may continue to belong to the Credit Union for as long as your account remains active at least every six months, and you maintain a $100.00 minimum balance in your share account.